Monday, April 16, 2012

1984 questions book one chapters 5-8

Blake Fletcher
Chapters 5-7
1.     1.The government seems to always have a shortage of something so right now there is a shortage of Razor Blades.
2.   2.  The discussion between Winston and Syme is significant because it shows the two sides it shows Winston who clearly has a problem with the Party and it also shows Syme who is very devoted to the Party. It also shows that the Party is really trying to kill the language that could possibly be associated with rebellion.
3.     3.Winston believes that Syme is to smart and to care free about what he talks about. He says things that the Party might not like.
4.     4.He brags about his children for turning a man they didn’t even know into the police for being a spy because they had never seen the kind of shoes he was wearing before.
5.    5. The telescreen announcement shows how the Party can say that they raised the ration of chocolate and they actually lowered it but nobody knows the difference besides Winston.
6.     6.Winston feels like he is the only person who actually has a memory. He knows that he will probably be vaporized along with syme because syme is to smart and because he questions the Party.
7.     7.He predicts the Duck man will not be vaporized because he is a strong supporter of the Party. He also predicts his sweaty neighbor Parsons will not be vaporized because he too is a very strong supporter of the Party. He predicts he and his friend Syme will be vaporized.
8.     8.The only purpose of marriage was to have children and to raise them for the Party.
9.     9.Winston sees sex as a good thing that is why he stayed with his wife for as long as he did.
1010. Winston believes that the Proles hold the power to rebel if they wanted to. They need to come together because the have the mass numbers necessary.
11. 11.The proles are not really controlled they are free I suppose but if they need to get rid of someone the thought police just cause drama until someone kills the person.
12. 12.The Party Teaches that The Capitalists held all the power and made people starve. Also that they had tons of slaves and  that London was a dark dirty place that was full of crime and starvation.
13.13. He doubts all of it because there is no way to prove or disprove it.
14. 14They where pardoned after being taken away. When usually people dissapear after being found guilty. Another song played in the cafĂ© and the men began to cry.
15. 15.This story meant a lot to Winston because it finally gave him proof that the Party lies. He had evidence.
16.16. Winston’s un-answered question is what if he is wrong. What if all of this is in his head.

Chapter 8

1.     1.Winston goes off on his own because he doesn’t want to go to a event at the community center because he says it makes him sick. He is missing dull games and other things.
2.     2.The life of a pole is free but dangerous there are bombs being dropped in London many of them drink a lot and they argue over stupid things like the lottery.
3.    3. He is starting to lose faith in learning about the past because the man couldn’t answer that simple question.
4.     4.He discovers a special piece of glass and a nice room upstairs he buys the piece of glass because it is old and unlike any glass he had ever seen.
5.     5.Mr. Charrington seems really nice and kind of depressed. His wife died and he is all alone trying to sell things that no one wants to buy.
6.     6.He thinks that she is following him. He thinks about killing her but decides against it.
7.      7.Winstons body betrays him because he has the sist on his ankle which makes it hard for him to walk.
8.     8.He thinks about church bells because he has never heard one before.

Friday, April 13, 2012

1984 questions book one chapters 1-4

Blake Fletcher
1984 Questions

Book One Chapters 1-2
1. It bothers him being watched constantly. I also think that he is upset with his government.
2. He lives in a society where everything done is controlled by the government. He isn’t even allowed to write in a diary. He is constantly watched by “Big Brother”
3. War Is Peace. Freedom Is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength.
4. Ministry of Truth, news, entertainment, and education. Ministry of Peace fine arts. Ministry of Love law and order. Ministry of Plenty economic affairs.
5. His writing.
6. The two minute hate is a way to keep people from rebelling it’s a two minute period where they are taught to hate a person who tried to rebel.
7. His hatred turned on the government and the police. And he makes eye contact with O’Brien.
8. O’Brien and Winston share a moment of eye contact in which Winston believes that O’Brien feels the same way he does. He believes the eye contact was a message.
9. They lost complete control and started filling up with rage and screaming and one women gets so angry she throws a book.
10. Thought crime is thinking things that you aren’t supposed to. Like revolutionary thoughts.
11. Thought police are people that can read peoples minds to see if they are having any bad thoughts.
12. The Parsons are Winston’s neighbors.
13. Their children pretend to be Thought police and they call Winston a traitor. For his thoughts. They also have fake guns.
14. Winston has a dream that O’Brien tells him that they will meet where the sun always shines. It could be before or after he actually meets O’Brien.
15. It is a war announcement that the chocolate will be rationed further than it already is being rationed and they have triumphed over south India and that the end of the war is closer.

Chapters 3-4
1.    1. He dreams about his mother and his sister slowly drowning to save him. He feels horrible about it.
2.  2.  He dreams that he is walking on a nice turf with the sun glowing down on it. He had this dream a lot and he wasn’t sure if he had actually seen the place.
3.    3. He doesn’t remember much about past wars he remembers certain bombs but he is fuzzy on the details.
4.  4.   If people can’t remember an event happening then the event really never happened. If there was a glimmer of hope that the party doesn’t like and they can make it so no one remembers it. Then they don’t have to worry about it because its like it never happened.
5.  5.   He knows that not all the things they say are true. He knows they didn’t create airplanes because he remembers Airplanes as a child and he also knows that there is no way to prove that they are lying.
6.     6.Winstons job is pretty much to go back and alter any bit of news that could make the Big Brother look wrong in any way. So he would change quotes to make him right and change figures to make them more appealing.
7.  7.   The past is controlled by people like Winston. He changes all these articles so that people have no evidence that what they believe and what is actually true looks like a lie.
8.   8.  The Proletariat’s literature, music, and entertainment is lower class. They also have porn made for them that the party members are not allowed to look at.
9.   9.  Working is Winston’s favorite part of the day because he could just lose himself in a re-write. I don’t think that his work takes a lot of creativity but he can use more creativity here than he can in his own free time.
1010 Comrade Ogilvy is pretty much the perfect citizen in the Party member’s eyes. He is a good example for other people to follow therefore the party will like him in this article even though he is not a real person.