Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Critical Thinking

Mathlouch the king of the Irish was not a outstanding king, because he lacked some very key things to be a great leader. One of the characteristics that Mathlouch drastically needed to improve on is that he needed to be stronger willed. When people can just approach a king and tell him he is doing something wrong, then the king either needs to evaluate the situation or at least have the backbone to stand up for what is right. Like in the case with the giants. The giants where doing nothing wrong and things where peaceful for a full year, until a group of people made a complaint. In this situation as a king you should show the quality of being wise. If you are wise you can evaluate the situation and make a well thought out decision on whether or not to believe the people. If evidence does not favor the giants then do the right thing and punish them, in this case by death.  If evidence favors the giants let things be pleasant for another year before you fold under the pressure of people who are not even close to as far up the chain of command as you are. Another quality that Mathlouch lacks is that he is unjust. This is shown when his brother Efinisien mutilates Bendigedfron’s horses mostly out of his hatred of the irish: after this happens Mathlouch says that he can’t punish him because he is his own brother.  Regardless of who it is that commits a crime if you are a just and noble king then all will pay the same for their mistakes. This same lack of justice was shown but in the opposite way when he was told by his people that the giants where reeking  havoc, and without a second thought he put the giants to death. So in all mathlouch was a pretty lousy king in many ways.

1 comment:

  1. Blake - this is going in the right direction. You show how Mathlowch is a bad king and give a few decent examples. There is another way to look at Mathlowch: perhaps he has a backbone and he is using the Irish people as an excuse to do his will (he manipulates situation). Question here would be why? This 2nd view of Mathlowch might cause you to dig deeper, and it would your interpretation. NOTE: Both views are correct.
