Thursday, September 29, 2011

Response to "Not My Best Side."

Blake Fletcher
AP English
Period 1
Not My Best Side Response
            I think that the main idea of this poem is to make fun of the traditional Knight saving fair Maiden from the evil Dragon story. I say this because each section shows the opposite characteristics of what the traditional character would have. For example, the maiden is supposed to be very pure and be eternally grateful to the knight who saves her, but in this poem the maiden falls for the dragon for all the wrong reasons. Such as his looks, and his strength. The knight is also very arrogant and believes more in just slaying dragons then actually caring about the maiden. That is not the traditional saving the fair maiden story.
            The different point of views make the story much easier to follow because it gives us insight into each of the speakers minds. This allows us to get the full background of how each speaker is feeling. That is a bonus because if this story was told from one persons perspective we might know get the full impact of the humor. We might not understand that the dragon just wanted to look good in his picture, that the knight was very task oriented, or that the maiden was very shallow.
            In conclusion the main idea of this poem is to make a joke out of the traditional knight saving the maiden from the dragon story. One way this is easily expressed is through the different characters point of view.

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