Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dj's 36-56 their eyes where watching god

Blake Fletcher
AP English
DJ’s 35-56
DJ’s 36-56

36. pg 61 “The Parson sat motionless in a dead pine tree about two miles off.”

The parson is sitting in a tree waiting to go eat a dead mule. I just think that this has a slight connection to the symbol that the tree has something major to do with life. Janie always talks about beauty in trees but this Parson is about to go eat a dead mule. How is that beautiful? I guess it could relate to the fact that the tree and animals rely on each other like a marriage? The parson needs the mule to survive.

37. pg 84 “And then if he hadn’t, the next morning she was bound to know, for people began to gather in the big yard under the palm and china berry trees.”

This is talking about Jody’s death. The fact that everyone gathered under the tree like the parson sat in the tree waiting for the mule is interesting. Maybe trees are not just a symbol for beauty but a symbol for death as well. Possibly finding beauty in death somehow?

38. pg 84 “And then too, Jody, no Joe, gave her a ferocious look.”

Jody was a term of affection from Janie to Joe. Jody loves her but does Joe? I think it is interesting that Janie sees two people in Joe. One with affection and one who possibly hates her?

39. pg 87 “A sound of strife in Jody’s throat, but his eyes stared unwillingly into a corner of the room so Janie knew the futile fight was not with her”

This is Jody dying. Janie is in the middle of yelling at him and then he makes a noise and his eyes stop moving. He dies with not resolution between Janie. Janie feels pity for the first time in a long time for Jody. But now he is gone.

40.  pg 87 “She tore off the kerchief from her head and let down her plentiful hair”

She is free!!! She no longer has to keep her hair pinned up to make Jody happy. This is showing her freedome. The first step to becoming herself again. It also shows that she has the power in her life again. Very important because Jody was very controlling.

41. pg 89 “She hated her grandmother and had hidden it from herself all these years under a cloak of pity.”

She finally admits to herself that she despises her grandmother for taking her youth away. This is important because her nanny is the first person to take away her freedom. She has this idea about love that she can now explore because no one is controlling her.

42. pg 90 “She had found a jewel down inside herself and she had wanted to walk where people could see her and gleam it around.”

This is her taking power of her life. She found that beautiful person she was before her first husband and she wants to exploit it. She wants people to see her hair and her inner beauty. She wants to see her own beauty. She is in control.

43. pg 106 “He could be a bee to a blossom”

Remember back to when she was sitting under the tree in the beginning. Her understanding of a good marriage was a bee and a blossom. Also, this is odd because she said the same thing about Jody. Could be taken as foreboding but I think she means more when she talks about Tea Cake because he is so different.

44. pg 106 “ Thought ah’d try tuh git heah soon enough to tell yuh mah daytime thoughts.”

He is making an effort to show her that his feelings are with good intentions. He doesn’t just want to take advantage of her and take her money which is something she is really worrying about at this point.

45. pg 110 “Tea Cake making flower beds in Janie’s yard and seeding the garden for her.”

This is important because Jody would have never worked in the garden for her because it would have poorly affected people’s views of how manly and how powerful he is. Tea Cake is a better man than Jody.

46. pg 114 “Dis is uh love game. Ah done lived Grandma’s way, Now Ah means tuh live mine.”

It is time for the bees and the blossoms! She wants to experience love the way she always dreamed about it. She tried to do right by her grandmother but it didn’t make her happy. So she despises her grandmother for making her marry so young. She now sees her opportunity to be happy and she is going to take it.

47. pg 116 “The train beat on itself and danced on the shiny steel rails mile after mile. Every now and then the engineer would play on his whistle for the people in the towns he passed by. And the train shuffled on to Jacksonville, and to a whole lot of things she wanted to see and to know.”

Janie is really excited to start her new life and is finding beauty in everything. It sounds like music and everything to do with the train is so nice and surreal. She wanted to see what real love is and now she has the chance to experience it.

48. pg 120 “But ah God, don’t let Tea Cake be of somewhere hurt and Ah not know nothing about it.”

Even though Tea Cake just stole from her she is more worried about his well-being. This shows how much she cares about him because she can push through her worries and deep down be worried about him.

49. pg 124 “He had done found out how rich people feel and he had a fine guitar and twelve dollars left in his pocket and all he needed now was a great big old hug and kiss from Janie”

He spent all but twelve dollars of Janie’s 200 just to experience what it was like to live like that and now he is over it? He says he still was always thinking about Janie so maybe this was a good thing. Now the only thing he needs to make him happy is be with Janie.

50. pg 130 “Tain’t no need uh you not knowin’ how tuh handle shootin’ tools.”

No other man would have taught Janie to shoot a gun but Tea Cake sees not problem with it. This shows that Tea Cake is really different then most other guys. It shows he doesn’t believe in the traditional role of women for the time period that is a pretty big deal.

51. pg 131 “Dancing, fighting, singing, crying, laughing, winning and losing love every hour.”

This shows how crazy this love is for Janie. Life is a struggle. But with the struggle comes with many good things. The fighting, crying, and losing love every hour is cancelled out with the dancing, singing, laughing, and winning love ever hour. It balances out but it is not perfect.

52. pg 133 “Ah gits lonesome out dere all day ‘thought yuh. After dis, you betta come git uh job uh work out dere lak de rest uh de women.”

Tea Cake is asking Janie to come work with him not for him because he misses her during the day. His concern isn’t with making money but he wants to be with her all day every day. This is true love.

53. pg 133 “ Then Tea Cake would help get supper afterwards.”

Jody never helped prepare diner. This is a big deal because Tea Cake and Janie can really count on each other like a bee can count on a blossom. This is a real marriage.

54. pg 137 “And another thing, Tea Cake didn’t seem to be able to fend her off as promptly as Janie thought he ought to.”

Janie is getting jealous. This is odd because Jody got jealous and it lead to the fall of their relationship. She needs to be careful because Jealousy can drive you crazy. This could be the start of fighting or this could bring them closer together.

55. pg 141 “Naw, mah husband didn’t had nothin’ but hisself. He’s easy tuh love if you mess round ‘im. Ah loves ‘im”

This is Janie expressing how much she cares about Tea Cake. This is important because this is after she shows her jealousy. They are getting through this together. I think that this is a good sign.

56. pg 141 “He kin take most any lil thing and make summertime out of it when times is dull. Then we lives offa dat happiness he made till so mo’ happiness come along.”

This relates back to her thought of marriage. The bee and the bloom are most active in summer time and can rely on each other during summer time like a proper married couple should. So Tea Cake being able to create summer time is a big deal because that is allowing Janie to rely on him like a bee relies on a bloom.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

DJ's 21-35 Eyes were watching god...

Blake Fletcher
AP English
DJ’s 21-35
DJ’s 21-35

21. pg 27 “The noon sun filtered through the leaves of the fine oak tree where she sat and made lacy patterns on the ground.”

This is interesting because as soon as her husband leaves, she is back to the tree. Relaxing enjoying herself in the shade of the tree. The tree could possibly symbolize her dreams, like she can’t do this while her husband is home but she does it as soon as she leaves. She is not happy and that is clear, so this is where she finds happiness.

22.  pg 27 “It was a citified, stylish dressed man with his hat set at an angle that didn’t belong in these parts. His coat was over his arm, but he didn’t need it to represent his clothes. The shirt with the silk sleeveholders was dazzling enough for the world.”

This is a big deal because just a day or so ago Janie and her husband got in a big fight and he said sarcastically that she probably wants one of those city slickers and here comes one walking down the road. Maybe when her husband said that she wanted someone like Joe Starks it was foreboding to this and I just missed it.

23. pg 30 “There! Janie had put words in his held-in fears. She might run off sure enough. The thought put a terrible ache in Logan’s body, but he thought it best to put on scorn.”

This passage shows that yeah Logan may be a dick to Janie but he really does care about her enough to feel sick at the thought of losing her. Her saying that she might run of justifies his fears and makes them real for him. Now he can either try to change to keep her or possibly lose her.

24. Pg 32 “From now on until death she was going to have flower dust and springtime sprinkled over everything. A bee for her bloom.”

This passage relates back to why she kissed Johnny and this is her comparing Joe starks to her wonders and dreams when she was younger under a pear tree wondering about love. She says Jody is her bee because she sees him as her perfect match. Someone she can rely on and be happy with.

25. pg. 43 “Thank yuh fuh yo’ compliments, but mah wife don’t know nothin’ ‘bout no speech-makin’. Ah never married her for nothin’ lak dat. She’s uh woman and her place is in de home.”

This is a big change in Janie’s opinion of Jody. She really thought he was perfect and now she kind of really sees his first flaw. Janie didn’t really want to give the speech but it would have been nice to have the opportunity.

26. pg 46 “A feeling of coldness and fear took hold of her. She felt far away from things and lonely.”

This is showing the first signs of Janie being unhappy. That is a big deal because she just ran away from one failed marriage that she wasn’t happy for a man who she thought was “her bee to her blossom” this is maybe her admitting to herself that he isn’t this man.

27. pg 47 “They had murmured hotly about slavery being over, but everyman filled his assignment.”

This is important because all of the towns people are starting to realize that he runs them like slaves. His house resembles a rich white persons house. Ironic? I just feel like he kind of owns them with his power.

28. pg 49 “Whut make her keep her head tied up lak some ole ‘oman round de store?”

This is important because the reason she has to wear her hair up is because Jody is making her. This just shows a flaw in Jody and Janie’s relationship. The flaw is Jody’s jealousy and his inability to be satisfied with the work he as already done. He is working himself to death.

29. pg. 51 “When the people sat around on the porch and passed around the pictures of their thoughts for others to look at and see, it was nice.”

I think it is weird that in the beginning of the novel Janie hates the porch talk. She wants to take no part in it. Though she finds this interesting now and wants to play a part in it? I just think this is interesting.

30. pg 53 “ Janie loved the conversation sometimes she thought up good stories on the mule, but Joe had forbidden her to indulge.”

Again, I think this shows a change in Janie as a person from the beginning of the novel to now because In the beginning she makes a big deal about not stopping and talking to the women on the porch but now she wants to indulge?

31. pg 54 “She had come to hate the inside of that store anyway.”

This is just progression for her. She keeps getting angrier and angrier and more unhappy this is just another piece of evidence to put on her failing marriage. This is a downward spiral.

32. pg 54 “He wanted her to use her privileges.”

Jody really thinks of working at the store as a “privilege” while Janie is beginning to hate it more and more. This is bad. They need to communicate to make this work or this is all going to become one big fight.

33. pg 56 “They oughta be shamed uh theyselves! Teasin’ dat poor brute beast lak they is!”

This is important because Jody over hears Janie say this. That is a big deal because he does something about it to try to make her feel better. That shows that he still does care about Janie even though they are fighting. This is where Jody makes an effort.

34. pg 58 “Didn’t buy ‘im fuh no work. I god, Ah bought dat varmint tuh let ‘im rest.”

This is a big deal because I think this is Jody trying to make Janie see that he is trying. He says this deliberately in front of her because he knows how she feels about the mule being teased and worked so hard. At least it is an effort.

35. pg 59 “But way after a while he died. Lum found him under the big tree on his rawbony back with all four feet up in the air”

I think it is odd that Janie seems to be most happiest when trees are involved. She sees something beautiful to do with trees. Maybe the fact that he died under a tree which is generally a symbol for happiness for Janie means that he will be happier now that he is dead?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

DJ's 1-20 Their Eyes Were Watching God

Blake Fletcher
AP English
DJ 1-20
DJ’s 1-20

1.     pg. 1 “Now women forget all those things they don’t want to remember…”

The way that this paragraph is written makes it sound like it is the womens job to forget and remember what is important and not important. Would this apply to like if they where hit, is it their job to forget the abuse and move on with life? Or is it their job to remember recipies for diner. I just don’t understand the word choice in this section.

2.     pg. 1 “The people all saw her come because it was sundown. The sun was gone, but he had left his foot steps in the sky.”
This section shows that the power still may be with “the bossman” because clearly they can’t talk about things they want so this shows that maybe the class system is messed up and possibly racism is still in effect. Why should people have to wait until the sun goes down to be able to talk?

3.     pg 2 “It was weapon against her strength and if it turned out of no significance, still it was hope that she might fall to their level some day”
This quote shows that the speaker seems to think that she is above or better then these ladies who sit on their porches and talk gossip. She really hopes that she never falls to their level. She is above the porch talk. Her overalls show how she is different then them.

4.     pg. 6 “Ah don’t mean to bother wid tellin’ ‘em nothin’…”
This is another section that shows she is above the gossip talk that the other older ladies partake in. She tells her friend to say what she feels is necessary. Other than that she has no interest in being like them. She doesn’t see any benefit in talking about people behind other peoples back about them.
5.     pg. 7 “Time makes everything old so the kissing, young darkness became a monstropolous old thing while Janie talked.”
This quote shows the significance of time. The time they are taking to talk is long. As shown by the young darkness becoming a monstopolous old thing. This means a great amount of time has passed since the beginning of teling the story.

6.     pg 8 “Janie saw her life like a great tree in leaf with the things suffered, things enjoyed, things done and undone. Dawn and doom was in the branches.”
The fact that Janie sees herself like a great tree is an interesting idea. Trees live long great lifes generally and depending on the tree blossom in the spring. This could be interesting because maybe the spring is like her getting married or growing up in general.

7.     pg 9 “’Aw, aw! Ah’m colored!”
This quote is interesting because it shows that it is still thought of badly to be colored. She spent some much time with white folk that she truly believed or wanted to be white. It must be hard to realize that you are black just by seeing yourself in a photograph.

8.     pg. 9 “Us lived dere havin’ fun till de chillun at school at school got to teasin’ me ‘bout livin’ in de white folks back-yard.”
This shows that racism is still a problem. The children pick on her for living around the white folks. Maybe because they are jealous. Janie really benefits from living there because she gets clothes a safe place to live, food, etc. It really wasn’t that bad of a thing to have people pay for everything for you and give you a place to live. But the children obviously had a problem with it.

9.     pg 10 “Janie had spent most of the day under a blossoming pear tree in the back-yard”
The blossoming could be a symbol of Janie coming into her own as a woman. She is thinking about love and marriage and is starting to grow up at the same time as this tree is blossoming into a beautiful pear tree. This is a pretty strong image showing the curiosity and the wonder and the beauty that is developing as a young adult.

10. pg 11 “She saw a dust-bearing bee sink into the sanctum of a bloom;…”
This is a good passage that shows her wondering and discovering as a young adult. She is looking for answers and she sees them everywhere. She sees marriage at the end of the rest of that passage. This is a big deal especially because she is growing up and soon enough she will be married. Mostly I see that Janie is wondering about love. She sees all of these different parts of nature working together to create harmony. In order to grow each of these small pieces of the story whether it be the bee or the blossom she sees the role they play for each other and thinks “this is marriage”.
11. pg 11 “Oh to be a pear tree- any tree in bloom”
She sees the beauty in nature and the “marriage” the blossoms have with the honey bee and she is envious. She is a young lady and she is ready to face the struggle and the hardships of life and love and it just isn’t happening yet so she is envious.

12. pg 12 “That was before the golden dust of pollen had beglamored his rags and her eyes”
This shows that all this envy and excitement and discovery has clouded her judgment of this boy who before she thought was rather plain, now she sees him as exciting and tall and lean. She has kind of a set of beer goggles but it is more like wonder goggles.

13. pg 12 “Nanny’s head and face looked like the standing roots of some old tree that had been torn away by storm…”
Again trees come up. This time in a little darker of a situation. At the same time as Janie is blossoming like a pear tree in bloom her grandmother is looking more and more like an old weak tree that could be torn down at any minute. This could be a foreshadow to possibly her getting sick or dying.

14. pg 12 “Ah wants to see you married right away”
I didn’t see a lot of meaning in this quote I just think it is very odd that her grandmother is telling her to get married. She is single and doesn’t really have any experience with dating but her grandmother wants her to get married. Clearly there is more going on here.

15. pg 13 “He look like some ole skullhead in de grave yard.”
This shows that clearly Janie isn’t very excited with her grandmothers proposal. She sees all of the discovery, magic, romance, love, and excitement fall behind as her grandmother is telling her she has to marry this man. She is a young girl who wants love and is instead getting forced into a marriage.

16. pg 14 “The vision of Logan Killicks was desecrating the pear tree.”
This further supports my idea of Janie seeing all of her feelings and hopes just kind of torn away from her because she is being forced into this marriage. She clearly does not love this man and she sees her idea of marriage being thrown out the door.

17. pg 14 “De nigger woman is de mule uh de world so fur as Ah can see”
This is Janie’s grandmothers reasoning for pushing her into marriage. She sees hardship and men who beat women and lack of money and racism. So she worries about her granddaughter because her daughter made many mistakes and she doesn’t want Janie to make the same mistakes. This makes sense although I do think she is going about it the wrong way.

18. pg 15 “Tain’t Logan Killicks Ah wants you to have, baby, its protection”
The fact that her grandmother admits that she really doesn’t care if it was this Logan Killicks or some other gentle men who will treat her right really shows that her main concern is strictly Janie’s well being. She knows that it may not be true love but at least she knows that Logan Killicks will provide for Janie.

19. pg 23 “cause you told me Ah was gointer love him, and, and Ah don’t”
Janie sees the feelings that she wants to have when she thinks about sitting under the tree. Then she has the feelings she doesn’t want to have and she is trying to find a way to love Logan. She doesn’t see her marriage like the “marriage” between the bee and the blossom. It bothers her.

20. pg 25 “So Janie waited a bloom time, and a green time and an orange time. But when the pollen again gilded the sun and sifted down on the world she began to stand around the gate and expect things.”
This section relates back to why she kissed Johnny Taylor. My 12th DJ states that the pollen somehow changed her feelings about Johnny. Maybe she was confused or excited or something, but this isn’t happening for Logan. There is no change when the pollen falls. She does not feel any different about him no matter what and this bothers her. So she waits and waits, but the change never comes. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The wasteland Section 2 REDO

Blake Fletcher
AP English
The Waste Land II. A Game of Chess
The second section of The Waste Land is about failed or failing relationships. The section opens to Cleopatra sitting on her throne. Of course Cleopatra’s husband Mark Anthony killed himself after hearing a rumor that Cleopatra had killed herself. That is clearly a failed relationship. Cupid peaks into the scene and hides his face. Could this be an anti-romance illusion? The fact that the speaker refers to the women’s perfume as drowning the person in perfume makes it seem like maybe she is trying to hard to find romance but not succeeding. Finally in the first stanza of this poem comes the song about rape referring to paradise lost the “Fall of man kind.”
The next section of the poem shows a couple. The nagging women seems to be upset because The man wont speak. He responds with dark and gloomy thoughts but does not say anything. He seems to either be waiting for either death or reincarnation. He is clearly unhappy and it doesn’t seem that this relationship is going to last much longer if the women clearly is upset that he doesn’t respond and he is despising the repetitive nature of their everyday life.
The final section is set in a bar just before closing time as we can tell by the bartenders constant reminders to the people remaining in the bar that it is closing time. Despite the fact that it is clearly late the speaker is deep into her story about her friends husband coming from war and how her friend needed to be ready to give him a good time or someone else would. This could be foreboding to an affair. She seems to be speaking looking down on her friend like I gave her advice and she should have taken it and look what happened because she didn’t. We don’t find out what actually happened to the couple but it is safe to assume that the relationship didn’t work out.