Thursday, December 8, 2011

DJ's 21-35 Eyes were watching god...

Blake Fletcher
AP English
DJ’s 21-35
DJ’s 21-35

21. pg 27 “The noon sun filtered through the leaves of the fine oak tree where she sat and made lacy patterns on the ground.”

This is interesting because as soon as her husband leaves, she is back to the tree. Relaxing enjoying herself in the shade of the tree. The tree could possibly symbolize her dreams, like she can’t do this while her husband is home but she does it as soon as she leaves. She is not happy and that is clear, so this is where she finds happiness.

22.  pg 27 “It was a citified, stylish dressed man with his hat set at an angle that didn’t belong in these parts. His coat was over his arm, but he didn’t need it to represent his clothes. The shirt with the silk sleeveholders was dazzling enough for the world.”

This is a big deal because just a day or so ago Janie and her husband got in a big fight and he said sarcastically that she probably wants one of those city slickers and here comes one walking down the road. Maybe when her husband said that she wanted someone like Joe Starks it was foreboding to this and I just missed it.

23. pg 30 “There! Janie had put words in his held-in fears. She might run off sure enough. The thought put a terrible ache in Logan’s body, but he thought it best to put on scorn.”

This passage shows that yeah Logan may be a dick to Janie but he really does care about her enough to feel sick at the thought of losing her. Her saying that she might run of justifies his fears and makes them real for him. Now he can either try to change to keep her or possibly lose her.

24. Pg 32 “From now on until death she was going to have flower dust and springtime sprinkled over everything. A bee for her bloom.”

This passage relates back to why she kissed Johnny and this is her comparing Joe starks to her wonders and dreams when she was younger under a pear tree wondering about love. She says Jody is her bee because she sees him as her perfect match. Someone she can rely on and be happy with.

25. pg. 43 “Thank yuh fuh yo’ compliments, but mah wife don’t know nothin’ ‘bout no speech-makin’. Ah never married her for nothin’ lak dat. She’s uh woman and her place is in de home.”

This is a big change in Janie’s opinion of Jody. She really thought he was perfect and now she kind of really sees his first flaw. Janie didn’t really want to give the speech but it would have been nice to have the opportunity.

26. pg 46 “A feeling of coldness and fear took hold of her. She felt far away from things and lonely.”

This is showing the first signs of Janie being unhappy. That is a big deal because she just ran away from one failed marriage that she wasn’t happy for a man who she thought was “her bee to her blossom” this is maybe her admitting to herself that he isn’t this man.

27. pg 47 “They had murmured hotly about slavery being over, but everyman filled his assignment.”

This is important because all of the towns people are starting to realize that he runs them like slaves. His house resembles a rich white persons house. Ironic? I just feel like he kind of owns them with his power.

28. pg 49 “Whut make her keep her head tied up lak some ole ‘oman round de store?”

This is important because the reason she has to wear her hair up is because Jody is making her. This just shows a flaw in Jody and Janie’s relationship. The flaw is Jody’s jealousy and his inability to be satisfied with the work he as already done. He is working himself to death.

29. pg. 51 “When the people sat around on the porch and passed around the pictures of their thoughts for others to look at and see, it was nice.”

I think it is weird that in the beginning of the novel Janie hates the porch talk. She wants to take no part in it. Though she finds this interesting now and wants to play a part in it? I just think this is interesting.

30. pg 53 “ Janie loved the conversation sometimes she thought up good stories on the mule, but Joe had forbidden her to indulge.”

Again, I think this shows a change in Janie as a person from the beginning of the novel to now because In the beginning she makes a big deal about not stopping and talking to the women on the porch but now she wants to indulge?

31. pg 54 “She had come to hate the inside of that store anyway.”

This is just progression for her. She keeps getting angrier and angrier and more unhappy this is just another piece of evidence to put on her failing marriage. This is a downward spiral.

32. pg 54 “He wanted her to use her privileges.”

Jody really thinks of working at the store as a “privilege” while Janie is beginning to hate it more and more. This is bad. They need to communicate to make this work or this is all going to become one big fight.

33. pg 56 “They oughta be shamed uh theyselves! Teasin’ dat poor brute beast lak they is!”

This is important because Jody over hears Janie say this. That is a big deal because he does something about it to try to make her feel better. That shows that he still does care about Janie even though they are fighting. This is where Jody makes an effort.

34. pg 58 “Didn’t buy ‘im fuh no work. I god, Ah bought dat varmint tuh let ‘im rest.”

This is a big deal because I think this is Jody trying to make Janie see that he is trying. He says this deliberately in front of her because he knows how she feels about the mule being teased and worked so hard. At least it is an effort.

35. pg 59 “But way after a while he died. Lum found him under the big tree on his rawbony back with all four feet up in the air”

I think it is odd that Janie seems to be most happiest when trees are involved. She sees something beautiful to do with trees. Maybe the fact that he died under a tree which is generally a symbol for happiness for Janie means that he will be happier now that he is dead?

1 comment:

  1. Blake:

    Note - these are good blog entries. You pick up on the motifs of trees and their possible meanings, also on Jody oppression of people (he is the man or the replacement of the white man in the town). One thing to think about - Janine and the porch. At the beginning of the novel Janine is being talked about behind her back; she doesn't like this, but she still enjoys the stories and the connections made on the porch. One has to do with jealousy, the other with connection. Also, words, stories are power in this book.
