Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hamlet Scene 2


1)   What is does Polonius tell Reynaldo in the opening of Act II? How does he plan to trap his son?

He wants him to go start rumors about his son to see if they are true.

2) What does this say about Polonius?

He is very concerned with his own image and he is also nosy and a sneaky man.

3) What particularly in Act II scene 1 has disturbed Ophelia?

Hamlet grabs hold of her and shakes her and acts crazy. So she thinks she has caused his craziness.

4) Why have Rosencrantez and Guildenstern been sent to Denmark?

They are to try to find out what is wrong with hamlet for the king and queen.

5) What does Hamlet ask the players to recite? How does the allusion mimic Hamlet’s position?

He asks them to recite a story about a man getting revenge for the killing of his father.

Identify the following speaker of the following lines and discuss to whom the lines are being delivered, and what do the lines mean?

6) “No, my lord, but as you did command/ I did repel his letter, and denied his access to me”

Ophelia, talking about hamlets insanity.

7) “More matter less art”

the queen says this to Polonius when he is bullshitting her.

8) “That I, the son of a dear father murdered,/ Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell/ Must like a whore unpack my heart with words,

Hamlet during his soliloquy. He is trying to figure out what to do he doesn’t know if the ghost is his father or a demon.

9) “Your bait of falsehood take this carp of truth/ And thus do we of wisdom and of reach,/ with windlasses and with assays of bias,/ By directions find directions out.”

Polonius to Reynaldo

10) “For if the sun breeds maggots in a dead dog, being a good kissing carrion-Have you a daughter?”

Hamlet says this to Polonius. He is putting himself down I think. To show how stupid it was for Polonius to command Ophelia to stop seeing him

11) List three metaphors (1 direct, 1 implied, 1 extended) from the play.

Direct: Hamlet breeds maggots in a dead dog

Implied: Lies are poison.

Extended: Denmark is a jail.

12) What proof does Polonius have that he believe indicates Hamlet’s love for Ophelia?

A letter “Hamlet sent” to Ophelia.

13) Explain the quote, “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” How does this relate to Hamlet.

Nothing is good or bad because certain people see things differently so something bad for one person may be good for another. Depending on how they take it.

14) What is a fishmonger?

A fishmonger is a Pimp.

15) Who was Jephthah?

A man who killed his daughter for political favors.

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